The story of how I came to study art:

The story of how I came to study art:

Since I was a child, I want to be happy, yes, I don`t want anymore; I just thought in play all the time, but the first job that I wanted was veterinary, because I like animals, but whit the time I discovered that I don`t like biology.

Resultado de imagen para hakuna matata letra

As I could not practice sport, i dedicated my time to draw, I have always been good for that, also for mathematics.

Resultado de imagen para drawResultado de imagen para matematica

At the end of high school I decided to study mathematics, because the art isn`t conventional, and the mathematics were entertaining.
After a year the Mathematica’s project failed, and I returned to my city, but a year later I decided to study art definitely ( although I left in pause a year).

                                    Resultado de imagen para congelado

The kind of job I want is one where to manage my own time and I can do what I want.
                                 Resultado de imagen para kuzco



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