"Derrière la Gare de Saint Lazare”


"Derrière la Gare de Saint Lazare” is a photograph that I really like:

Cartier Bresson subasta

this picture was taken by Cartier Bresson in 1932, who is considered the best photographer of the history for many people, and this picture show a man that he is jumping on a puddle in front of Saint Lazare station in paris, just before touching the water.
I like this picture because show the legacy of this photographer, inventor of the so called "decisive moment”, this concept establishes that the picture must be taken in the exact moment, when "the head, the eye and the heart line up", then if the photography was taken a moment before or after, the picture wouldn’t be the same.

This magic moment is stronger in analog photography, because in the actuality we can see the picture instantaneously and repeat the scene the necessary times for obtain the picture that we want.


  1. wow i dont know a lot of photo and dont know the author before, thx 4 show us his work jj


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